Cure And Care Multispeciality Clinic Balasore

Audio Metric

Audiometers are specialized devices used for the assessment and measurement of hearing ability. These machines play a crucial role in audiology, the branch of medicine dedicated to the study of hearing, balance, and related disorders. Audiometric tests provide valuable information about an individual’s hearing sensitivity, helping healthcare professionals diagnose hearing impairments and develop appropriate interventions. Here’s an overview of audiometric machines and their purpose:

Purpose of Audiometric Machines

1. Hearing Assessment

Pure-Tone Audiometry

Audiometric machines are primarily used for pure-tone audiometry, a standard method for assessing hearing sensitivity across different frequencies (Hz) and intensities (decibels). The results are plotted on an audiogram, providing a detailed profile of an individual’s hearing abilities.

2. Hearing Screening

Early Detection

Audiometric machines are employed for routine hearing screenings, especially in schools, workplaces, and healthcare settings. Early detection of hearing issues allows for timely intervention and treatment, preventing potential adverse effects on speech and language development.

3. Diagnostic Evaluation

dentification of Hearing Disorders

Audiometric tests help identify various types of hearing disorders, including conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss. This information is crucial for determining the underlying causes of hearing impairments.

4.Tinnitus Assessment

Pitch and Loudness Matching

Audiometric machines assist in evaluating tinnitus, a condition characterized by the perception of ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears. Pitch and loudness matching tests help quantify the subjective experience of tinnitus for better management.

5.Speech Audiometry

Speech Recognition Tests

 Audiometric machines include speech audiometry tests to assess an individual’s ability to understand and repeat spoken words at different intensities. This provides insights into the functional aspects of hearing and the impact of hearing loss on communication.

6. Occupational Hearing Conservation

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Prevention

Audiometric machines are used in occupational settings to monitor and prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Regular hearing tests help identify employees at risk and implement appropriate measures to protect their hearing.


7. Pediatric Audiology

Objective Tests

Audiometric machines include specialized tests for assessing the hearing of infants and young children who may not be able to respond to traditional pure-tone audiometry. These objective tests provide valuable information for early intervention and support.

8. Balance Assessment

Vestibular Function Testing

 Some audiometric machines are equipped for vestibular function testing, helping diagnose balance disorders related to the inner ear.

9. Monitoring Hearing Aid Fittings

Verification and Validation

Audiometric machines are used to verify and validate the effectiveness of hearing aid fittings by assessing the wearer’s ability to hear and understand speech.

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